Map of influence and crossings in the Syrian opposition areas
Jan 31, 2023 8713

Map of influence and crossings in the Syrian opposition areas

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During 2022, the Syrian opposition maintained its areas of control in northern and southern Syria without any new changes at the expense of the Syrian regime forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). However, on the other hand, some changes occurred in the map of internal influence within the areas controlled by the factions, specifically in northwestern Syria.

In practice, these changes did not significantly lead to redraw the map of factions control, with the exception of a slight decline in the influence of some factions at the expense of others. Moreover, the military scene remaining as it was.

This report shows and analyses the map of influence in the Syrian opposition areas, in terms of military control and control over the crossings. It also attempts to predict the fate of this influence in 2023.

This report helps experts, researchers, and those interested in knowing the reality of control and influence within the Syrian opposition areas, and their fate in the short term

