Children with Down Syndrome Within the opposition areas in Idlib and western Aleppo
Mar 28, 2023 3889

Children with Down Syndrome Within the opposition areas in Idlib and western Aleppo

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The issue of vulnerable groups and people with special needs in the post-war and conflict phases is one of the most important topics that actors in the humanitarian fields are interested in; as recovery operations and development programs do not take place within the plans to restore local communities except by providing support and care for these groups; especially if children in general are among those vulnerable groups, then the size of the responsibility and the need to respond by talking about children with special needs who have Down syndrome are magnified.    

This study reviews the statistical data of people with Down syndrome within the age groups that start from birth until the end of childhood (from 0 to 18 years, as adopted in this study).    

The data that was collected and analyzed in this study included the numbers of children with Down syndrome distributed across the districts of Idlib and western Aleppo governorates, which are outside the control of the regime. The distribution of these cases is detailed according to sex (females and males), their distribution     according to specific age groups, their family conditions, residence status (displaced and original inhabitants, and the places of residence (outside or inside the camps).    

The study sheds light on the severe weakness in providing special care for the above-mentioned cases. This explains the results of the evaluation of physical and communication abilities and psychological and social skills. The data included in this study also shows that the results of the evaluation of these abilities and skills indicate the need to provide care and assistance for these humanitarian cases .    

This study aims to provide information to organizations and bodies concerned with humanitarian work in Syria. It also helps influencers and public opinion makers who advocate and interact with humanitarian issues to have a clear view about this topic. Therefore, the study reviewed and analyzed information at the first place, then it identified challenges, assessed needs, and made recommendations.    

The study concluded that the opportunity to provide support for children with Down syndrome in northwest Syria is available and obligatory. This, according to the study, requires a special humanitarian effort in addition to the efforts needed by the fragile and vulnerable groups in society. Providing such support will not only be reflected in the cases of people with Down syndrome, it is also equally directed to their families, their community surroundings, and to address the humanitarian situation in the region in general. 

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