Map of military influence in Syria 08-06-2017
Jun 09, 2017 2242

Map of military influence in Syria 08-06-2017

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The military scene in Syria is prone to a constant change on the account of ISIS zones, many attempts of making progress through these zones (especially, Al Badia) by Al-Assad and opposition forces were conducted, making this situation like a race of influence between the two parties. 
At the same time, SDF is seeking to expel ISIS from Raqqa Governorate zones to pave the way toward seizing the whole city, thus, diminishing the influence of ISIS is the most notable thing on the military map, particularly, after the de-escalation agreement between regime forces and opposition's factions in Astana's second conference, meaning that, the fight of influence between the two signatory parties was diminished and de-escalated, except in Daraa, as Al-Assad forces are trying to advance in Daraa Governorate on the account of the opposition.