Director of “Jusoor Center” discusses “the conflict in Syria” at a symposium of “International Minds” Association
May 29, 2023 2747

Director of “Jusoor Center” discusses “the conflict in Syria” at a symposium of “International Minds” Association

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The AIMs Association “International Minds” in Istanbul is organizing a symposium entitled “The Conflict in Syria,” in which the Director General of Jusoor Center for Studies, “Mohammed Sarmini,” reviews the Syrian scene and its overlaps and outcomes that are to be foreseen around it, on Monday 29 May. 

The session will discuss several topics, including the future of the Syrian revolution, in addition to questions that Sarmini will answer, most notably how the Syrian issue has been  developing over  the past years, and the reasons that made the Syrian people launch   a revolution against the ruling oppressive regime . 

The director of “Jusoor Center” will also discuss the roles of international actors in Syria such as the United States, Russia, the United Nations and China, in addition to regional actors in Syria such as Iran, Turkey and the Gulf states. 

Dscussions related to the recent development s like  normalization with al-Assad, the reinstatement   of the Syrian regime  in to the Arab League, and future scenarios are expected to be discussed. 

The first seminar   organized by the supervising organization in 2022 was a 3-day symposium titled “Istanbul Talks,” in which academics and intellectuals from various disciplines discussed individual, family and community issues in relation to Islam and Muslim societies. 

AIMs has previously organized youth gatherings, hosted international student organizations in Istanbul . It   has  recently started holding monthly seminars on current issues such as the conflict in Sudan.  

In general, the programs organized by AIMs include students from a variety of backgrounds, and focus on various issues faced by Muslims or intellectual, social and political topics of interest to students.